Hang time..........The longer the hang time the greater the fruit's depth and complexity-perfectly ripe grapes produce superior, long-aging wines. On the other hand, if the hang time is too long, the grapes will become overripe, which will affect both flavor and aroma of the finished wine. If it takes a grape 120 days to ripen normally and it has been an extra hot year and they ripen in 110 days or it has been a really cold summer and they ripen in 130 days.....would there be a difference in the taste of the grape? Certainly! Long ripening allows for the tannins, not only the sugars to maximize in strength, thus affecting the taste of the grape which will in turn affect the taste of your wine. Perfectly ripe...not over ripe, grapes will make a superior tasting wine. There are many factors which go into a great tasting grape, which will in turn help give you a great tasting wine....climate, sun, stress, temperature fluctuations, frost, wind and soil...to name a few. None of these ever stay the same so the winemaker needs to constantly be on their toes as to what the precious vine may need or not need at any given time. So the next time you raise your glass to toast someone or some occasion, don't forget to cheer on the growers of the fruit in your cup. Cheers!
2011 may bring higher prices in Pennsylvania Wine and Spirit Stores. This of course will affect the cost of drinks when you may wish to buy a round for your table the next time you are out. A great friend told me about this recently so I did some research and found out that the Pennsylvania State Liquor Control Board plans to raise the price of most wine and liquor sold in its state----between 35 cents and $1.15 per bottle----beginning sometime this month. The increase is SUPPOSED to help pay for the rising cost of transportation and storage in the state. This will indeed not just affect you when shopping for that bottle or 2 to bring home but also when you are out and in a restaurant. So for the time being there are no sales promotions going on in the local wine and spirit stores locally here in PA. Let's just hope they settle on an increase which is at the lower end of the price scale so when dining out we don't end up paying for the increase in our restaurant tab. If restaurants are serving hundreds of bottles of wine per week their money will need to be made up somewhere, and we hope it will not be in the food prices. No one will win there...not even the people who choose not to drink at the restaurant. We will start to see prices on the menu's rise quickly.....and eating at home will become more common for many once again...which is a good thing sometimes, but still that bottle of wine you bring home for dinner will cost you more if the state raises the cost.
Well as the holiday season comes to an end it is time once again to start thinking about getting our wine study group gathered together. Hopefully in the next couple weeks I will have something new to tell you we learned as a group. I have tried to hold your interest these last several weeks on topics I have found interesting for myself. As time goes by I find myself yearning for a ride to Boardman to the wine & beer store I so love to stock up on some beers and wines. New Year's Eve I spent with a friend celebrating German's New Year at a quaint neighboring town just outside of Zelienople, PA. The name of the town is Harmony, it is not very large at all. They celebrated the German New Years which was at 6PM our time. So early in the afternoon we set out for a very nice ride on the country back roads. The weather that particular day was extremely warm and lovely for Pittsburgh weather. After browsing several of the shops in town (one in particular will be selling my recently published book and some of my hand made purses, perfumes and soaps) we went to The Harmony Inn Restaurant where we sat outdoors in the "beer garden" and enjoyed a beer next to the outdoor fireplace. It was such a beautiful day! People were everywhere in the streets congregating, children running and having fun. I got a bratwurst sandwich and we sat in the car (since we had prime parking) and ate & drank while we watched the ball drop @ 6pm and said "Happy New Year"! We returned home after 7pm and opened a bottle of Lindeman'sFramboiseLambic(raspberry).Long before hops were common in most beers, various fruits and vegetables were used to season beers. The acidity of Lambic beers blends perfectly with raspberries. Magnificent aroma, delicate palate of rasp.berries withundertones of fruity acidity; elegant, sparkling clean taste. Style—Raspberry Lambic. Color—Rose. Serving Suggestions Chocolate desserts (especially chocolate decadence), fresh raspberries, ice cream with a raspberry demi-glaze sauce, créme caramel, baked Alaska, Olympia oysters, caviar. Serve in flute-shaped Lambic glasses at 45 degrees. If you love berries you really need to try a Lambic...it was a pleasing change from wine, but wine is my ultimate favorite. But for a German New Year....I could not think of any other way to end the evening but with a favorite someone, a fire in the fireplace and a relaxing drink as we reminisced about 2010 & talked of hopes for 2011. Cheers!
Rex-Goliath.....this was the New Year's Day wine Gaynor brought to dinner. I have just this morning read the back of the bottle (as I was way to busy yesterday preparing dinner and analyzing what I was drinking.) In a moment I will share my findings with you. But on the back of the bottle I have just read the "Legend of Rex-Goliath". At the turn of the century, HRM (His Royal Majesty) Rex Goliath was a treasured circus attraction. He weighed in @ 47 lbs. Rex was billed as the worlds largest rooster. HRM Rex-Goliath winery of Woodbridge, California have given a tribute to Rex with their wines. Just like Rex, their wines have a larger than life personality. They also have big fruit forward flavors which are sure to please. Their direct quote is " Peppery and plummy, our wine is a demonstration of why the world has gone ga-ga over Shiraz." Well needless to say if you have been following my blog since the beginning of its birth you will know Shiraz from Australia is my fav. WELL.....Australia you have a run for your money here! I am learning more and more with each sip of wine I take that Americans do know quite a bit about wine making. The color was a rich, deep burgundy which actually matched the fluffy robe I was wearing. The aroma was rich with goodness of what my nose tells me Shiraz should be. Upon the swirl legs were slow to come but upon their entrance they were thin and even around the glass...this I knew would have it be nice and dry (as I like) in my mouth. I tasted oak, pepper and berries. The wine was soft in your mouth not harsh and bitey. Tannins were low. All in all the bottle went down very well before, during and after dinner. (Yes I shared it!) Our dinner was a pork loin marinated in black pepper. Served with sauerkraut which cooked 5 hours in the crock pot with half an apple to take away the bitterness and when the loin was put in the oven to roast I added the kraut to the side of the same pan and cooked along with the roast. Cheddar cheese mashed potatoes were the side dish and appetizers were just veggies & dips with pretzels & foccacia crackers. Yummy, yummy....yummy! We ate, drank, ate & drank.....I have 2 slices and some kraut left for today and actually can't wait till dinner time so maybe it will be my lunch. However I do not have any of Rex left to enjoy...but I will in the future be purchasing a couple bottles for my wine collection. REX-GOLIATH go to the link I have provided and see for yourself just how amazingly priced this wine is! It just goes to show that although an expensive wine might be quite tasteful and pleasurable you can get the same quality or perhaps even better in this bottle. Looks and pricey, classy is not always what it is cut out to be....remember this men (and women) when not only picking your wines but when picking your mate or partner or even a date. Just because a lady (or man) might like fancy, impressive items and have you shower her (him) with them...take a brief moment to actually look around you and see if perhaps someone just a bit simpler (or should I say...does not require all the frills in life....who knows how to have plain old fashioned fun and be happy with that), go for the entire package....not just for an attraction but for the one who not only satisfies your likings but also your wallet. With the money you save on expensive wines .....who knows...you might be able to take and extra vacation or 2 ! (sorry...I just went on rambling a bit....that's the writer in me....just sometimes can't stop these fingers!)