Wine stoppers of all shapes, sizes and materials.
From plain to fancy. Murano glass stoppers from Italy. Plain stoppers in stainless,pewter,chrome, cork and wood. The main idea of a stopper is to stop the oxidation and spoiling of the bottle of luscious wine you have opened. Oxygen entering your bottle of wine after time will change the alcohol to carboxylic acid. Which just really means "vinegar". I am sure most of you have had this happen. You open a wonderful bottle of wine and save some, or should I say have some left, and then the next day go to have a glass and it taste nothing like it did the previous day. Most will dump this down the drain, but I have learned in my ways of being taught as a young girl...waste not, want not....I have dyed unfinished wooden picture frames with it, fabric, and my best find is making salad dressing from it. Use in place of vinegar when making a homemade dressing & you will love what you taste...the extra virgin olive oil will meld together nicely with your "bad tasting" wine. Fancy wine stoppers make great gift ideas and are perfect for "stocking stuffers". I have stumbled upon a site yesterday WineStopperStore
I contacted Walter, the owner, to see if I could promote his business in my blog today. He responded in record timing! Please visit his store to see the very large amount of stoppers he has available & if you do not see the one you are looking for you can feel free to ask him to find it for you. He is very prompt and customer service is high on his priority list. His business started in a one bedroom apartment working on the website nights and weekends all the while working a full time job. I know the struggles of this journey he has taken personally as this is how I built my website. Dedication to his work has developed a wonderful site for him to display his passion to you. So please stop by his site and take a look to see if there is anything you might need for a special gift for a special someone. There still is time to have it shipped to you. Most of the above wine stoppers are available @ TheWineStopperStore
So stop by & tell Walter...."Gabbriella" sent you! Please consider following his blog WineStopperStoreBlog
The crystal cross below is a favorite wine stopper of mine I hope to add to my collection someday.
Good Day for now! Happy Shopping @ The Wine Stopper Store!