2011 may bring higher prices in Pennsylvania Wine and Spirit Stores. This of course will affect the cost of drinks when you may wish to buy a round for your table the next time you are out. A great friend told me about this recently so I did some research and found out that the Pennsylvania State Liquor Control Board plans to raise the price of most wine and liquor sold in its state----between 35 cents and $1.15 per bottle----beginning sometime this month. The increase is SUPPOSED to help pay for the rising cost of transportation and storage in the state. This will indeed not just affect you when shopping for that bottle or 2 to bring home but also when you are out and in a restaurant. So for the time being there are no sales promotions going on in the local wine and spirit stores locally here in PA. Let's just hope they settle on an increase which is at the lower end of the price scale so when dining out we don't end up paying for the increase in our restaurant tab. If restaurants are serving hundreds of bottles of wine per week their money will need to be made up somewhere, and we hope it will not be in the food prices. No one will win there...not even the people who choose not to drink at the restaurant. We will start to see prices on the menu's rise quickly.....and eating at home will become more common for many once again...which is a good thing sometimes, but still that bottle of wine you bring home for dinner will cost you more if the state raises the cost.
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