Recently one of my friends made reference to me being a "wine snob". Of course this person does not drink at all. (perhaps she is the snob?). Maybe I should not call her my friend. Here is my opinion of a "wine snob" and a "wine enthusiast". I call myself a "wine enthusiast". In my own words a wine snob is someone who goes to a party or to someone's home and expects the wine of their choice to be on hand for the event. When given other options they will drink sparkling water instead. They have tunnel vision as to trying something new. They hold a price tag (high) on a wine. They might even push their wine on their friends until their friends get fed up and do not wish to hang with them any more. A "wine enthusiast" in my opinion is someone who takes an avid interest in how that wonderfully tasting wine got from the vine to the glass. They wish to know the grapes names and the vines. The location and the year. They take their time when purchasing a wine, when pouring and then when drinking. They swirl it in the glass to get the aromas to come alive. They sniff to take in all the wonderful scents and they enjoy the guessing of what they find. We sip to allow that luscious fruit drift in our mouths and bring alive what we have smelled. And we drink and thoroughly enjoy the whole experience. I too can put on my little black dress and red high heels and enjoy a fabulous glass of wine, does that make me a snob? No, it just makes me a wine lover enjoying a glass of wine in fine clothes.But I must say I do most of my wine drinking in my pajamas, in my sweat suit or in my blue jeans and t shirt. With or without friends and snobbery is not a part of it. I must also say I love uncorking a great tasting bottle of wine but most wine I consume at home comes in a box.....but I do use a glass! So if any of you wish to call me a wine snob that is fine, but don't allow yourself to portray being a snob in doing so.
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