Tuscany is known as one of the most romantic places on earth. Is it because of the background scenery or is it because of the wines?........or might it be a blend of the two? Which ever you decide..... remember "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Wineries can vary in size from tiny farmed estates to the huge colassal firms. Which would you like to visit? I like quaint, old things....I can imagine myself going to the tiny farmed privately owned vineyard. I like a home feeling. I am not into overpowering estates. Although they may be nice or maybe nice is too gentle of a word. Being of Italian heritage I would just love to visit a small vineyard, sit in the Italian flower garden and look out into the fields at a distance while sipping my wonderfully made glass of wine. Taking in every moment around me...the air, the sun, the conversation and every taste of the grapes...to just totally loose myself in the moment of time and keep not only a visual picture in my mind but also the scents of the air around me. My dream vacation...sometime in the future I am sure. Napa Valley and Tuscany....not in any order but both are planned in my mind. On my next trip to the wine store in Boardman, Ohio, my favorite wine store around, I am going to purchase a Tuscan Wine or 2 and hold a taste for myself and then report for you. Even though I am of Italian Heritage I do not really drink Italian wines, shame on me...I know, This will need to change. Although at Thanksgiving dinner a family my son knows who live locally own a vineyard in Italy and their daughter runs it, they brought a couple of bottles to dinner and it was rather enjoyable, pleasing to the palate and of course had good legs. Shame on me again I was so into the turkey and the stuffing that I did not retain the name of the wine in my mind. I will find out soon....promise.....till later...Cin Cin! (Cheers!)
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