The wine lasted me 4 days, drinking my doctor's ordered ration each evening. I kept the remainder each day corked with a vacuum plunger. The taste never changed. My findings were it is a dry wine with soft tones which I liken to the tannins in the wine. Sometimes the tannin can make the wine overpowering upon sipping. This wine went down easy. It truly was an enjoyable drink which I would drink again & again. In fact we are planning a trip there in the spring with our wine study group and I am looking forward to that so I can get a couple bottles for my wine rack. The legs on the wine were very, very light if even there were legs to note. The legs or tears on the glass were thought to be the quality of the wine, the more legs the better quality. In my studies I have learned that it is a physics lesson, none the less. It is the mixing of the surface tension and the alcohol content in the wine. Wine is a mix of alcohol and water, It is the battle between the alcohol and water that the legs break and run down the sides of the glass. No tears, light tears, a few tears tells me a low alcohol content. Does this mean you can have more than 1 glass? Possibly!
Thanks Chrissy for the bottle of great tasting wine! Tell your cousins to get ready for us! http://www.wilhelmwinery.com Stop by and visit their winery or visit their website. You can order online if you like!
ps....I am sitting propped up in bed with my laptop blogging away and just noticed that along side me is this empty bottle of wine......no glass in sight, they might think I drank it straight from the bottle! now, I must take this immediately to the recycle bin, for if I were to pass on of natural causes unexpectedly and they were to find me like this.....what do you suppose their first thoughts would be!
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