Also known as the V.E. to those who frequent this awesomely designed and operated wine & beer store in Boardman, Ohio. Several years ago, possibly 6 years, I was taken to the store by my dear friend Lola who is like a daughter to me. She took me there on Mother's Day and let me pick a bottle of my choice. I had seen the store for several years but never ventured in. Boy what a mistake that was on my part. Once inside its doors I was intrigued by the huge selection of wines and beers. Beers which you could purchase by the bottle only. Living in Pennsylvania I was used to the concept of having to purchase a 6 pack or case of beer. And of course the selections of both wine and beer is so limited as to what I saw in this shop. The shop is tucked away in the corner of a tiny plaza in Boardman. At the time of my finding this shop it had a different owner. It is now run by Phil & Sandy Reda and they have done some changes in the stores setup.
I had attended pretty regularly the monthly wine taste which is on the 3rd Saturday of each month and met some interesting friends along the way. Then when some life changes in my own life kept me away for a while I had not known it had been remodeled and had new owners. Upon being in Boardman this past summer for a lunch date with a friend at the Springfield I decided to stop by and pick up a bottle of wine for myself. At the V.E. you can get wines you can not obtain in Pennsylvania. The V.E. has over 800 craft beer labels and 1000 wine labels. The day I chose to go to the V.E. just happened to be the day of the wine taste. The place was bursting with people and bubbling with excitement! I was thrilled to see all the improvements done to the shop. Phil & Sandy have certainly made something which was already good so much better! I was limited for time so I could not stay for the taste but I was graciously greeted by both Phil & Sandy and asked to stay. Being such a wine lover it was sad to say I could not stay...but I would be back! I purchased my bottle of 337 wine which Phil helped me pick out. Even though the place was bursting with people I still received great service and felt for the moment that I was the only one in the shop. Phil & Sandy's hospitality will get them far in their endeavor of running this shop.
The 337 wine is a cabernat sauvignon which is bursting with blackberry, cherry, laced with coffee bean with a hint of pepperiness. I am a syrah or shiraz fan...leaning towards a merlot at times....but this cab gave me all the taste and boldness which I enjoy and at the same time remained a softer wine. 337 Cabernet Sauvignon is grown in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
In September my friend Gaynor & I attended the wine taste and had a great time. For a cost of $10 at the door you receive a glass to use for the taste and back at the bar can exchange your 6 tickets for a generous taste of the 6 wines chosen for the month. 3 reds and 3 whites are offered. Tons of appetizers are there for your enjoyment. Where else can you get such a grand wine taste for such an economical price? No where that I have ever come upon! The V.E. now has an added room with a bar area which allows it to pack in even more people to enjoy their tastings.
If you are in the area of Boardman you must stop by and visit the V.E. If you are a beer or wine lover you will not be sorry. You will only wish to go back more often!
Last month I had surgery and had to miss the October & November wine taste...but it is my plan to do my best to get over for the December tasting. It is not only a very reasonable way to sample new wines but a wonderful time of socializing.
I have found from the past that sometimes if you find a certain wine at the V.E. and ask your state store to order it they sometimes can. But really I think if you live outside of Boardman you really need to make the trip there if possible to have the whole experience of their unique shop. Plus enjoy yourself a glass of beer or wine while there!
Phil & Sandy I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and thank you for allowing me to blog about you! Hoping to visit soon!.....needing a wine for our wine study our group is having in December!
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