It had been a month since Gaynor had brought my box of wine to me, when she did my shopping for me after my surgery. It was empty and time to replenish. This would be my 5th time to leave the house in a month. I had an appointment in town so to make best use of my time away from the house I would make as many stops as possible and of course one of them would be our wine store. Instead of grabbing my usual box...I have been going out on a limb the last couple months with my box wine favorites and trying new adventures in taste. On sale for $17.99 was this box of SEVEN. I asked the man at the desk if it were good...he said it just came in this week and he had no idea. Price was right....container was attractive...when reading the side of box it had a list of 7 different wines and Shiraz was at the top of the list, so that being one of my favorites I decided to give this box of wine a try. Upon returning home I settled in with my glass of wine and did my little test. My findings were it was lighter in color than the wines I prefer, but I would give it a chance. The smell was light and weak to me. The taste was the same. But then again I prefer full bodied, dry reds. I will drink this wine for the next 30 days or so and see if my appeal for it changes. It is not bad tasting, just not what my palate prefers. It is sort of like if I could compare it to a date.....being out with a man and you enjoy his company and dinner is fine, but something is missing for you to want to have a deeper relationship with this man....nothing is wrong with this man....just not the main man for you. Can any of you out there understand this? Iam a woman who knows what she likes in her man and her wines and I hate to waste anyones time. I do hope I get some visitors this month to help me empty this box of wine. Maybe I will start to like it more, we shall see. I would although have this box of wine in my house for a party where some of the guest are not into the heartier wines. For them I think this would be a great wine. Maybe this wine would be the stepping stone to fuller bodied wines for the white zin drinker. To ease them on their way to darker reds.
This wine is a Spanish blend of 7 different varities of grapes.
Cabernat Sauvignon
Petit Verdot
If one or more of your favorite reds are in this blend, give it a try. Your opinion may be very different than mine.
Yes Kathy I agree with you about this wine I thought it would be fuller bodied and not such a light red. I actually mixed it with another wine from the Monthaven Winery in Ripon California . It was their Merlot also in the octagonal box and I came out with not a 7 but an 8! My friends loved it and could not believe the smoothness and tasty notes of blackberry and a bit of oak great for many occasions! Cheers!