Friday, November 5, 2010

Tasting Wine.....

Just sitting here reviewing what I learned so far on wine......let's start with tasting..It used to be just simply..."I like it"...."oh no, I don't like it" This is how I tasted my wines and then I just stuck with the one brand I liked and never ventured out of that safety zone. But in the past 3 or so years I have grown not only older but grown with a desire to explore other territories and add more favorites to my list. In my coming out of my comfort zone I have found a lot of new wines (new to me) that I love and at our tasting a couple weeks ago Lisa brought a wonderfully smooth tasting white which surprisingly I will drink again. You can scroll down and read about our first tasting to see what wine Lisa brought.
As I have grown in my wine knowledge...and it is a slow process, enjoyable process, I have learned to savor every drop and let it meld in my mouth and let it speak to me. This luscious fruit of the vine is becoming my best friend. It is almost like I can have a conversation with my glass of wine now.
So simply what I do is take a nice look after its pouring, sorry but looks matter here. If it does not look appealing I do not think it would taste very well. After I have a mental picture of it I take a slow sniff to experience what I am hoping will be pleasant smells. If something does not have a pleasing smell I do not think it will taste too wonderful. But, remember not everything smells the same to each person. That is why our little wine tasting group will be good for us......what one smells or taste that another doesn't possibly by speaking this out and sharing you can then train your nose to pick up what someone else caught on to right away. After I savor a few of these moments I find myself envisioning the fields, the bright sun shining in the vineyard, the hardy vines climbing and wandering, the spectacular, plump, firm grapes just waiting to be picked by the tender care the pickers give them. Gods rain bathing them from time to time while growing. All of nature in sync to just bring you the most fabulous taste to bring to your table, to compliment your foods, your socializing with friends, to bring to your side while sitting in your home in front of the fireplace. Yes a glass of wonderfully tasting and well made wine can truly become your great friend. It is knowing I feel, when to stop and just have this be an enjoyable experience and not to go beyond your boundaries to have it wreck havoc on your life that wine can not only ease the stresses of a day, give joy to celebration, help your health & heart but it can take you to distant lands and dreams to put a smile on your face.
Getting back to this glass of wine I was tasting.....I then after the sight and smells are married in my mind swirl the wine in the glass as to see what the legs (the wine drippings on the inside of the not swirl too fast or you will have legs on the outside of the glass also!!!) When swirling the wine the aroma starts leaping out at you. This I think I read is opening up the scents. Now after all this swirling and releasing it is time to really get your nose in there and see what you find. I know in public some may look at you and think "what is that person's problem". By the time you get to have your first sip your neighbor at the next table may be ordering his second cocktail. And if he or she is they are probably the ones thinking you are the one with the problem....But I am learning over the years if you make your wine drinking an experience and not just a thirst quencher or reason to have a drink, you will possibly find yourself drinking less and enjoying more. After this deep smell is when it is time to take your first want to wet your lips, raise the glass to your lips and once the wine hits your palate just savor the wine for the moment and just see if you can taste what you have smelled. Some like to swish the wine in their mouths before swallowing, it is all in preference I feel...there are no wouldn't be pleasurable if there were rules. My tasting stops at the sip and then after all this testing and learning is done I then enjoy my glass of wine with my meal or appetizer. Even living alone or dining alone can be made an occasion when treating your glass of wine like this. Not every sip just the first.....after the first and you have learned your wine you will have such a pleasurable experience that I think you will look forward not to your next drink to gulp down but to your next glass of wine to spend time with. Our lives are normally based on rush here and rush there with not much doing anything but going through the motions of life, getting things done but then wondering where did time go. Take time to "Smell the Wines"! and learn and pass your knowledge on to others. You will be surprised just how little people really do know about their wines but every now and then you will in your meetings, happen upon a real connoisseur and it is then you become even more sure to have a pen and paper (or bar napkin) with you then! You can learn a lot from someone willing to share their knowledge. Because of their love for it they will want you to experience what they do.
Till next time.....

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